August 7-9, 2025

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Every second weekend in August, the little town of Symco, WI comes roaring to life in a celebration unlike any other. For years, traditional hot rods and kustoms from around the Midwest have gathered together on the Unionville Thresheree grounds to step back in time. Behind them, they pull Shasta and Scottie campers loaded with vintage luggage. The roof racks are strapped with mid-century Rollfast and ColorFlo bicycles. Our extended family comes together in a very unique setting.

We would like say thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We couldn't pull off the event so successfully without you all. Also, let us not forget all the spectators for attending and returning year after year showing your support.

We cannot say enough about how appreciative we are to the Union Thresherman's Club and to the Werth family for the use of their grounds and all they do to support our event annually. Without their continued support we couldn't bring you this fantastic event each year.

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