August 7-9, 2025
Last year's attendees that registered with us have until March 26th to claim the site that they had last year! On March 27th all sites are open to the public.
Campsites are 20'x40'. Keep in mind your tow vehicle must also fit on your site. If they do not fit we would suggest parking them in the Spectator Parking.
Check-in starts Thursday at 9:00am, pre-registered camper setup begins. There will be NO check-ins after dark so get here early!
Grounds open for breakfast throughout the weekend at 6:00am.
During camping pre-registration if you do not take your site from last year and take a site that wasn’t assigned to you, there will be a $5 service charge (per site). Your reservation will be cancelled, and you will need to re-register for the previous year’s site. For those who are looking to change sites, you will need to wait until registration is open to the public on March 27th. If you have forgotten your previous site, please contact us before registering.
No mini bike riding in the campgrounds. We no longer allow mini bikes to be rode on the grounds. Either you are racing them during our designated racing times or you are not riding them at all. You will get one warning if you are caught riding after that the Waupaca County Sheriff's department will handle any and all issues including citations for illegal riding on the grounds. We will continue to have the Dirt Drags and the oval Racing for mini bikes.
Rows L & K will be for small campers and tents only. The UTC has planted trees in this area and plan on expanding. We do not want to sell a site and have issues with your camper so please be aware of the site you chose.
Don’t park outside of your purchased campsite. If you have guest, have them park in the spectator parking area by the cell phone tower. We towed vehicles in the past and will continue to if you park illegally.
There is a generator rule. You must use a quiet generator preferably an inverted one if you’re going to run it all night long. We do not allow loud generators in this area. Please do not point them towards the camper next to you. Have them exhaust out in the aisle.
Please do not park your vehicles in the aisles of campground or swap areas. Aisles need to remain clear for event staff vehicles to pass easily as they go about their business.
NO BIG STEREOS! Nobody wants to feel your music 4 campsites down from yours. THIS RULE WILL BE HEAVILY ENFORCED THIS YEAR.
To keep the staff and your neighbors happy please keep your sites clean. There are garbage dumpsters located at the south end of Overflow camping. Also, there are trash and recyclable receptacles located throughout the grounds for your convenience.
Click here for further questions regarding Show Rules or Vehicle Criteria.
Pre-register now to get your pick of the sites.
We would like say thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We couldn't pull off the event so successfully without you all. Also, let us not forget all the spectators for attending and returning year after year showing your support.
We cannot say enough about how appreciative we are to the Union Thresherman's Club and to the Werth family for the use of their grounds and all they do to support our event annually. Without their continued support we couldn't bring you this fantastic event each year.