August 7-9, 2025

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- Click here for UTV, ATV and golf cart rules.

- No animals on the grounds.

- The show opens all three days at 9:00 a.m.

- Firewood is available and can be purchased from the UTC. You can buy that firewood in front of the welcome barn.

- There are several animal boarding houses in Waupaca County that are very reputable.

- The camping gate closes at 8:00 p.m. every night. So if you show up after that time you'll need to temporarily camp out in general

spectator parking.

- Please do not show up any earlier than posted times.

- Vintage campers are only allowed to check in between 10:00 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

- All persons 14 years of age and over MUST purchase a wristband. Wristbands are not included with camping site.

- No dogs allowed anywhere on the grounds. This includes but is not limited to, parking lot, camping areas, swap meet, show grounds

(ADA service dogs are welcome. Sorry no ESA pets allowed).

- Golf Carts and UTVs will now be required to pay a $10 registration fee and show proof of insurance. No persons under the age of 16

years old will be permitted to drive. No golf carts on the inside of the showgrounds.

- Minibikes will now be required to be registered immediately after entering the grounds. NO MINIBIKES will be allowed to be driven at

ANY TIME on Symco grounds except for the races and the flat track. (go cart, dirt bikes, 4-wheelers, etc. are NOT allowed on Symco

grounds). Waupaca County Sheriff’s will be issuing citations after first warning.

- During camping pre-registration if you do not take your site from last year and take a site that wasn’t assigned to you, there will be a

$5 service charge (per site). Your reservation will be cancelled, and you will need to re-register for the previous year’s site. For those who

are looking to change sites, you will need to wait until registration is open to the public on March 27th. If you have forgotten your

previous site, please contact us before registering.

-Swap meet vendors can come in on Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

*Symco Grounds is defined as but not limited to parking lot, camping areas, swap meet, and show grounds

We would like say thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We couldn't pull off the event so successfully without you all. Also, let us not forget all the spectators for attending and returning year after year showing your support.

We cannot say enough about how appreciative we are to the Union Thresherman's Club and to the Werth family for the use of their grounds and all they do to support our event annually. Without their continued support we couldn't bring you this fantastic event each year.

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