August 7-9, 2025

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It takes a large number of staff members and volunteers to help make this event run smoothly. So if you are interested in lending a hand for the weekend it will be greatly appreciated.

Some of the things we need volunteers for:

- Help park cars, campers or vendors.

- Taking admission at the gate.

- Set-up Wednesday / tear down Sunday.

There are paid positions available for the following; overnight security crew and vehicle inspector.

With the minimum 3 hour commitment, you will receive FREE admission for the weekend and also receive a volunteer show shirt.

6 or more hours will earn you FREE camping, admission, weekend wristband, and a volunteer show shirt.

To show our appreciation to our volunteers, we will be hosting a volunteer party with the details TBA.

If you are interested in a volunteer position please sign-up here!

We would like say thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We couldn't pull off the event so successfully without you all. Also, let us not forget all the spectators for attending and returning year after year showing your support.

We cannot say enough about how appreciative we are to the Union Thresherman's Club and to the Werth family for the use of their grounds and all they do to support our event annually. Without their continued support we couldn't bring you this fantastic event each year.

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