August 7-9, 2025
Year Cutoff:
- All vehicles must be 1964 or older.
Design & Safety:
- All vehicles must be designed and built with traditional styling in mind.
- All vehicles must have 4 wheels. No bikes, no trikes, no dual or tandem rear wheels.
- All vehicles 1935 and newer must have fenders.
- All fender-less vehicles must have straight axles, no independent front suspensions.
- Any vehicles with major safety concerns such as leaking or improper fuel storage may not be permitted to enter the premises.
- No visible parts or accessories "introduced" after 1964. Included but not limited to electronic fuel injection, styled steel or aluminum
wheels, billet aluminum wheels, billet engine accessories or grilles, fiberglass or plastic mirrors, and black vinyl front end covers (bras).
- No extremely ornate ratty accessories or decorations are allowed that are not actual car parts. Include but not limited to tractor grilles,
mailbox air cleaners, rubber / plastic rats, dolls, or spiders, wrenches for door handles, pistol shifters, or other comical additions. we
have a VIP area to park in if you don't meet criteria.
- Paint designs using scallops, lace, flames, and flake are great. Murals from the 70's, monochromatic pastel or bright paint from the 80's,
and wild graphics from the 90's graphics are not allowed.
- Vehicles with modern exposed engines and / or electronic fuel injection will not be allowed. Include but not limited to EFI, Tune Port
Injection, Lastly Injection, diesel, electric, etc.). If the modern engine is hidden under the hood, please leave it closed at all times.
- Any Led taillights need to be traditional styled and look like an actual taillight. Nontraditional LED taillights and / or trailer LED
taillights are not allowed. Include but not limited to single or multi rows of lights, any kind of billet frame, or any kind of odd design
such as a cross or a skull.
- Interiors should be designed with traditional styling in mind such as vinyl or leather with rolls and pleats instead of plastic and tweed.
- Plastic tilt columns with S-10 or other modern style steering wheels will not be allowed.
- No high back bucket seats or any seats with headrests will be allowed.
- No digital gauges or undercar neon lights will be allowed.
- Any vehicles with safety concerns such as the drive-shaft or transmission being visible from inside the car, the ground being visible
from inside the car (missing floor panels), or the floors being made out of expanded metal will not be allowed.
Wheels & Tires:
- All wheels should be traditional styled and period correct to the design of the vehicle.
- No wheels should be larger than 15 unless they are stock or reproduction version of 16 wires, 16 Ford steelies, or tall thin Model A style
wheels (17, 19, etc.).
- Larger versions of a stock wheel or a mag wheel such as 17steelies, or 16 Cragars are not allowed.
- Bias ply tires and pie crust sidewalls are preferred.
- Any radial needs to be 60 series and taller without raised white letters or red lines.
- Any radial tire needs to be narrower than 12. Narrowed rear end tubbed, pro street, and ultra wide Fad Bucket style tires are not
Click here to see acceptable wheels. Click here to see un-acceptable wheels.
Other Things to Remember:
- We are a traditional pre 1965 show but we also have a VIP area for our pre 1976 vehicles.
- If you have a hood, keep it closed. Show off the lines of the vehicle instead of your engine and air cleaner.
- No display is needed. No story boards, stuffed animals, cry baby dolls, rubber rats, skeletons, skulls, drive inn trays, or any other items
that detract from the vehicle itself.
- Street legal trailer queens get no respect. We strongly encourage driving vehicles to the event.
- There is no reserved parking or saving spaces for others. If you want to park together, arrive together. Remember that club members
cars will each be inspected so it is possible that not all the cars will be allowed.
- Just because the vehicle was allowed into any other traditional show doesn't mean it will be allowed into this show. Criteria and
entrance rules will be strongly enforced.
- If your vehicle doesn't make the cut for our criteria don't freak out its not the end of the world. We have a nice section right by the
entrance gate that all cars (1976) or cars that don't meet the guideline's of our criteria can park in.
- Its a car show!!! Come in have fun, hangout with your friends, make new ones.
Click here for further questions regarding Show Rules or Vehicle Criteria.
Pre-register now to get your pick of the sites.
We would like say thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We couldn't pull off the event so successfully without you all. Also, let us not forget all the spectators for attending and returning year after year showing your support.
We cannot say enough about how appreciative we are to the Union Thresherman's Club and to the Werth family for the use of their grounds and all they do to support our event annually. Without their continued support we couldn't bring you this fantastic event each year.