August 7-9, 2025
Swap Area is used for sale of used vintage items and hot rod parts. We are not a flea market. We only ask that you keep the type of things sold fitting to the theme of our event. Vintage style or car related items are a good example of what folks are looking for.
Swap spaces are 15'x'30 and you are allowed to camp where you swap! However, keep in mind your tow vehicle must also fit on your site. If they do not fit we would suggest parking them in the Spectator Parking.
Check-in starts for swap vendors on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m. With your purchase of a swap space one weekend admission wristband is included.
Please do not park your vehicles in the aisles of campground or swap areas. Aisles need to remain clear for event staff vehicles to pass easily as they go about their business.
Please be mindful of your neighbors, inside the grounds quiet time is at 11:00pm.
To keep the staff and your neighbors happy please keep your sites clean. There are garbage dumpsters located at the south end of Overflow camping. Also, there are trash and recyclable receptacles located throughout the grounds for your convenience.
Any Wisconsin organization which is exempt from sales and use tax should file a form S-2111 with any seller of goods or services when making a purchase. This document certifies their exemption status and should be maintained by the seller. The form can be found on the website of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue by clicking here. For a further explanation please click here.
We would like say thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We couldn't pull off the event so successfully without you all. Also, let us not forget all the spectators for attending and returning year after year showing your support.
We cannot say enough about how appreciative we are to the Union Thresherman's Club and to the Werth family for the use of their grounds and all they do to support our event annually. Without their continued support we couldn't bring you this fantastic event each year.